Code Examples for

Actors in Scala

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6 Exceptions, Actor Termination, and Shutdown

Sample run of chapter's interpreter examples

6.1 Simple exception handling

def exceptionHandler: PartialFunction[Exception, Unit]
object A extends Actor { def act() { react { case 'hello => throw new Exception("Error!") } } override def exceptionHandler = { case e: Exception => println(e.getMessage()) } }
scala> A.start() res0: scala.actors.Actor = A$@1ea414e scala> A ! 'hello Error!
def act() { var lastMsg: Option[Symbol] = None loopWhile (lastMsg.isEmpty || lastMsg.get != 'stop) { react { case 'hello => throw new Exception("Error!") case any: Symbol => println("your message: " + any) lastMsg = Some(any) } } }
scala> A.start() res0: scala.actors.Actor = A$@1cb048e scala> A ! 'hello Error! scala> A.getState res2: scala.actors.Actor.State.Value = Suspended scala> A ! 'hi your message: 'hi scala> A ! 'stop your message: 'stop scala> A.getState res5: scala.actors.Actor.State.Value = Terminated

6.2 Monitoring actors

def exit(): Nothing def exit(reason: AnyRef): Nothing
object Master extends Actor { def act() { Slave ! 'doWork react { case 'done => throw new Exception("Master crashed") } } } object Slave extends Actor { def act() { link(Master) loop { react { case 'doWork => println("Done") reply('done) } } } }
scala> Slave.start() res0: scala.actors.Actor = Slave$@190c99 scala> Slave.getState res1: scala.actors.Actor.State.Value = Suspended scala> Master.start() Done res2: scala.actors.Actor = Master$@395aaf scala> Master.getState res3: scala.actors.Actor.State.Value = Terminated scala> Slave.getState res4: scala.actors.Actor.State.Value = Terminated
val a = actor { ... } val b = actor { self.trapExit = true link(a) ... }
val a = actor { react { case 'start => val somethingBadHappened = true if (somethingBadHappened) throw new Exception("Error!") println("Nothing bad happened") } } val b = actor { self.trapExit = true link(a) a ! 'start react { case Exit(from, reason) if from == a => println("Actor 'a' terminated because of " + reason) } }
Actor 'a' terminated because of UncaughtException(...)
case class Exit(from: AbstractActor, reason: AnyRef)
react { case Exit(from, UncaughtException(_, _, _, _, cause)) if from == a => println("Actor 'a' terminated because of " + cause) }
Actor 'a' terminated because of java.lang.Exception: Error!
Nothing bad happened Actor 'a' terminated because of 'normal
// assumes `self` linked to `patient` and `self.trapExit == true` def keepAlive(patient: Actor): Nothing = { react { case Exit(from, reason) if from == patient => if (reason != 'normal) { link(patient) patient.restart() keepAlive(patient) } } }
val crasher = actor { println("I'm (re-)born") var cnt = 0 loop { cnt += 1 react { case 'request => println("I try to service a request") if (cnt % 2 == 0) { println("sometimes I crash...") throw new Exception } case 'stop => exit() } } } val client = actor { react { case 'start => for (_ <- 1 to 6) { crasher ! 'request } crasher ! 'stop } } actor { self.trapExit = true link(crasher) client ! 'start keepAlive(crasher) }
def renderImages(url: String) { val imageInfos = scanForImageInfo(url) self.trapExit = true val dataFutures = for (info <- imageInfos) yield { val loader = link { react { case Download(info) => throw new Exception("no connection") reply(info.downloadImage()) }: Unit } loader !! Download(info) } var i = 0 loopWhile (i < imageInfos.size) { i += 1 val Input = dataFutures(i-1).inputChannel react { case Input ! (data @ ImageData(_)) => renderImage(data) case Exit(from, UncaughtException(_, Some(Download(info)), _, _, cause)) => println("Couldn't download image "+info+ " because of "+cause) } } }
I'm (re-)born I try to service a request I try to service a request sometimes I crash... I'm (re-)born I try to service a request I try to service a request sometimes I crash... I'm (re-)born I try to service a request I try to service a request sometimes I crash... I'm (re-)born

For more information about Actors in Scala, please visit:


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