Code Examples for

ScalaCheck: The Definitive Guide

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2 ScalaCheck versus JUnit: A Complete Example

  • 2.1 The class under test
  • 2.2 Using JUnit
  • 2.3 Using ScalaCheck
  • 2.4 Conclusion
  • 2.1 The class under test

    import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class StringUtils { public static String truncate(String s, int n) { if(s.length() <= n) return s; else return s.substring(0, n) + "..."; } public static String[] tokenize( String s, char delim ) { String delimStr = new Character(delim).toString(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( s, delimStr); String[] tokens = new String[st.countTokens()]; int i = 0; while(st.hasMoreTokens()) { tokens[i] = st.nextToken(); i++; } return tokens; } public static boolean contains( String s, String subString ) { return s.indexOf(subString) != -1; } }

    2.2 Using JUnit

    import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class StringUtilsTest { @Test public void testTruncateShortString() { String s = StringUtils.truncate("abc", 5); assertEquals("abc", s); } @Test public void testTruncateLongString() { String s = StringUtils.truncate("Hello World", 8); assertEquals("Hello Wo...", s); } @Test public void testTokenize() { String[] tokens = StringUtils.tokenize( "foo;bar;42", ';'); String[] expected = { "foo", "bar", "42" }; assertTrue(java.util.Arrays.equals(tokens, expected)); } @Test public void testTokenizeSingle() { String[] tokens = StringUtils.tokenize( "Hello World", ','); String[] expected = { "Hello World" }; assertTrue(java.util.Arrays.equals(tokens, expected)); } @Test public void testContainsTrue() { assertTrue(StringUtils.contains("abc", "bc")); } @Test public void testContainsFalse() { assertFalse(StringUtils.contains("abc", "42")); } }
    $ javac -cp junit-4.11.jar \ $ java -cp .:junit-4.11.jar:hamcrest-core-1.3.jar \ org.junit.runner.JUnitCore StringUtilsTest JUnit version 4.11 ...... Time: 0.006 OK (6 tests)

    2.3 Using ScalaCheck

    import org.scalacheck.Properties import org.scalacheck.Prop import org.scalacheck.Gen.{listOf, alphaStr, numChar} object StringUtilsProps extends Properties("StringUtils") { property("truncate") = Prop.forAll { (s: String, n: Int) => val t = StringUtils.truncate(s, n) (s.length <= n && t == s) || (s.length > n && t == s.take(n)+"...") } property("tokenize") = Prop.forAll(listOf(alphaStr), numChar) { (ts, d) => val str = ts.mkString(d.toString) StringUtils.tokenize(str, d).toList == ts } property("contains") = Prop.forAll { (s1: String, s2: String, s3: String) => StringUtils.contains(s1+s2+s3, s2) } }
    $ javac $ scalac -cp .:scalacheck.jar StringUtilProps.scala $ scala -cp .:scalacheck.jar StringUtilProps ! StringUtils.truncate: Exception raised on property evaluation. > ARG_0: "" > ARG_1: -1 > ARG_1_ORIGINAL: -1110151355 > Exception: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1 java.lang.String.substring( StringUtils.truncate( StringUtilsProps$$anonfun$1.apply(StringUtilsProps.scala:9) StringUtilsProps$$anonfun$1.apply(StringUtilsProps.scala:8) org.scalacheck.Prop$$anonfun$forAll$10$$anonfun$apply$25 .apply(Prop.scala:759) ! StringUtils.tokenize: Falsified after 5 passed tests. > ARG_0: List("") > ARG_0_ORIGINAL: List("", "yHa", "vlez", "Oyex", "lhz") > ARG_1: 2 + StringUtils.contains: OK, passed 100 tests.
    property("truncate") = Prop.forAll { (s: String, n: Int) => lazy val t = StringUtils.truncate(s, n) if (n < 0) Prop.throws( classOf[StringIndexOutOfBoundsException] ) { t } else (s.length <= n && t == s) || (s.length > n && t == s.take(n)+"...") }
    import Prop.BooleanOperators property("truncate") = Prop.forAll { (s: String, n: Int) => (n >= 0) ==> { val t = StringUtils.truncate(s, n) (s.length <= n && t == s) || (s.length > n && t == s.take(n)+"...") } }
    public static String truncate(String s, int n) { if(n < 0) return ""; else if(s.length() <= n) return s; else return s.substring(0, n) + "..."; }
    property("truncate") = Prop.forAll { (s: String, n: Int) => val t = StringUtils.truncate(s, n) if(n < 0) t == "" else (s.length <= n && t == s) || (s.length > n && t == s.take(n)+"...") }
    $ scala -cp .:scalacheck.jar StringUtilProps + StringUtils.truncate: OK, passed 100 tests. ! StringUtils.tokenize: Falsified after 3 passed tests. > ARG_0: List("") > ARG_0_ORIGINAL: List("", "") > ARG_1: 9 + StringUtils.contains: OK, passed 100 tests.
    property("tokenize") = { import Prop.AnyOperators Prop.forAll(listOf(alphaStr), numChar) { (ts, d) => val str = ts.mkString(d.toString) StringUtils.tokenize(str, d).toList ?= ts } }
    $ scala -cp .:scalacheck.jar StringUtilProps + StringUtils.truncate: OK, passed 100 tests. ! StringUtils.tokenize: Falsified after 3 passed tests. > Labels of failing property: Expected List("") but got List() > ARG_0: List("") > ARG_0_ORIGINAL: List("", "E", "zd") > ARG_1: 4 + StringUtils.contains: OK, passed 100 tests.

    2.4 Conclusion

    For more information about ScalaCheck: The Definitive Guide, please visit:


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