Code Examples for

Actors in Scala

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3 Scala's Language Support for Actors

  • 3.1 A scalable language
  • 3.2 Immutable and mutable state
  • 3.3 Methods and classes
  • 3.4 First-class functions
  • 3.5 Functions as control structures
  • 3.6 Pattern matching and case classes
  • 3.1 A scalable language

    3.2 Immutable and mutable state

    val fred = "Fred" val customerOrder = new CustomerOrder val count = 10
    val count: Int = 10

    3.3 Methods and classes

    def addOne(x: Int) = { x + 1 }
    def addOne(x: Int) = x + 1
    class Calculator { def addOne(x: Int) = x + 1 }
    import javax.servlet.http._ // _ means a wildcard class ScalaServlet extends HttpServlet { override def init() { super.init.() // Do something } override def doGet(req: HttpServletRequest, res: HttpServletResponse) { // No checked exceptions // Handle the get() method } }

    3.4 First-class functions

    val myList = List(1, 2, 3) val plusOne = => x + 1) ... List(2, 3, 4)
    val plusTwo = + 2) ... List(3, 4, 5)
    // Pseudocode myMethod(someBlockOfCodeOrFunction) = { // Do something else first ... // Evaluate the parameter and return its value someBlockOfCodeOrFunction() }
    def doItByName(block: => Any) { println("Doing something first") block }
    doItByName(println("Hello, there")) ... Doing something first Hello, there

    3.5 Functions as control structures

    doItByName(println("Hello, there")) doItByName { println("Hello, there") }
    class InventoryManager { def currentInventory() = { txn { entityManager.createQuery( "select bk from Book bk" ).getResultList() } } }
    def txn[T](block: => T): T = { val entityMan = getEntityManager() // Obtain the JPA entity manager // Code is not shown EmThreadLocal.set(entityMan) // Set the entity manager in a // threadlocal variable so that the // entity manager is available to // code performed under the transaction val tx = entityMan.getTransaction() try { tx.begin() val result = block // Execute the code passed into txn tx.commit() res // Return the results, if any } finally { if (entityMan.geTransaction().isActive()) entityMan.getTransaction().rollback() if (entityMan.isOpen()) entityMan.close() EmTheadLocal.remove() } }
    def add(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y ... add(3, 5) 8 def curriedAdd(x: Int)(y: Int) = x + x ... add(3)(5) 8
    def first(x: Int) = { (y: Int) => x + y } val second = first(3) ... second(5) 8
    val socket: Socket withSocket(socket) { s => // Read from the socket, socket is available as s } // Socket is closed
    def withSocket[T](socket: Socket)(f: Socket => T): T = { try { f(socket) } finally { socket.close() } }
    def withResource[A <: {def close(): Unit}, B] (param: A) (f: A => B): B = { try { f(param) } finally { param.close() } }

    3.6 Pattern matching and case classes

    val status = message match { case ConfirmationMessage(Paid, Shipped) => Status("Order on its way") case ConfirmationMessage(Paid, Pending) => Status("Wrapping the order") case ConfirmationMessage(Paid, Returned) => Status("That's too bad!") case ConfirmationMessage(Declined, _) => Status("Wrong credit card") case _ => Status("Unknown status") }
    case class ConfirmationMessage( paymentStatus: String, shippingStatus: String )

    For more information about Actors in Scala, please visit:


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