Code Examples for

Actors in Scala

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5 Event-Based Programming

  • 5.1 Events versus threads
  • 5.2 Making actors event-based: react
  • 5.3 Event-based futures
  • 5.1 Events versus threads

    5.2 Making actors event-based: react

    def buildChain(size: Int, next: Actor): Actor = { val a = actor { react { case 'Die => val from = sender if (next != null) { next ! 'Die react { case 'Ack => from ! 'Ack } } else from ! 'Ack } } if (size > 0) buildChain(size - 1, a) else a }
    def main(args: Array[String]) { val numActors = args(0).toInt val start = System.currentTimeMillis buildChain(numActors, null) ! 'Die receive { case 'Ack => val end = System.currentTimeMillis println("Took " + (end - start) + " ms") } }
    actor { react { case "hello" => println("hi") } println("finished") }
    actor { react { case "hello" => println("hi") println("finished") } }
    def waitFor(n: Int): Unit = if (n > 0) { react { case 'Die => val from = sender if (next != null) { next ! 'Die react { case 'Ack => from ! 'Ack; waitFor(n - 1) } } else { from ! 'Ack; waitFor(n - 1) } } }
    def sleep(delay: Long) { register(timer, delay, self) react { case 'Awake => /* OK, continue */ } }
    actor { val period = 1000 { // code before going to sleep sleep(period) } andThen { // code after waking up } }
    def buildChain(size: Int, next: Actor, lives: Int): Actor = { val a = actor { var n = lives loopWhile (n > 0) { n -= 1 react { case 'Die => val from = sender if (next != null) { next ! 'Die react { case 'Ack => from ! 'Ack } } else from ! 'Ack } } } if (size > 0) buildChain(size - 1, a, lives) else a }

    5.3 Event-based futures

    def renderImages(url: String) { val imageInfos = scanForImageInfo(url) val dataFutures = for (info <- imageInfos) yield { val loader = actor { react { case Download(info) => reply(info.downloadImage()) } } loader !! Download(info) } for (i <- 0 until imageInfos.size) { dataFutures(i)() match { case data @ ImageData(_) => renderImage(data) } } println("OK, all images rendered.") }
    def renderImages(url: String) { val imageInfos = scanForImageInfo(url) val dataFutures = for (info <- imageInfos) yield { val loader = actor { react { case Download(info) => reply(info.downloadImage()) } } loader !! Download(info) } var i = 0 loopWhile (i < imageInfos.size) { i += 1 dataFutures(i-1).inputChannel.react { case data @ ImageData(_) => renderImage(data) } } andThen { println("OK, all images rendered.") } }
    def renderImages(url: String) { val imageInfos = scanForImageInfo(url) val dataFutures = for (info <- imageInfos) yield { val loader = actor { react { case Download(info) => reply(info.downloadImage()) } } loader !! Download(info) } { for (ft <- ForEach(dataFutures)) { ft.inputChannel.react { case data @ ImageData(_) => renderImage(data) } } } andThen { println("OK, all images rendered.") } }
    case class ForEach[T](iter: Iterable[T]) { def foreach(fun: T => Unit): Unit = { val it = iter.elements loopWhile (it.hasNext) { fun( } } }

    For more information about Actors in Scala, please visit:


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