Code Examples for

Actors in Scala

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8 Remote Actors

  • 8.1 Creating remote actors
  • 8.2 Remote communication
  • 8.3 A remote start service
  • 8.1 Creating remote actors

    import scala.actors.Actor import Actor._ import scala.actors.remote.RemoteActor.{alive, register} class ChatRoom extends Actor { def act() { alive(9000) register('chatroom, self) loop { receive { case Subscribe(user) => // handle subscriptions case Unsubscribe(user) => // handle unsubscriptions case UserPost(user, post) => // handle user posts } } } }
    def register(name: Symbol, a: Actor): Unit

    8.2 Remote communication

    def select(node: Node, sym: Symbol): AbstractActor
    case class Node(address: String, port: Int)
    val chatRoom = select(Node("", 9000), 'chatroom)
    chatRoom ! Subscribe(User("Alice")) chatRoom !? Subscribe(User("Bob")) val future = chatRoom !! Subscribe(User("Charly")) ...

    8.3 A remote start service

    case class Start(clazz: Class[_ <: Actor]) case object Stop
    class Server extends Actor { var numStarted = 0 def act() { alive(19000) register('server, this) println("remote start server running...") loop { react { case Start(clazz) => val a: Actor = clazz.newInstance() a.start() numStarted += 1 reply() case Stop => println("remote start server started " + numStarted + " remote actors") exit() } } } }
    class EchoActor extends Actor { def act() { alive(19000) register('echo, this) react { case any => reply("echo: " + any) } } }
    val server = select(Node("localhost", 19000), 'server) server !? Start(classOf[EchoActor]) val echo = select(Node("localhost", 19000), 'echo) val resp = echo !? "hello" println("remote start client received " + resp)
    remote start client received echo: hello

    For more information about Actors in Scala, please visit:


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