Page 327 (PDF page 366):
Last paragraph, first sentence, first part:
"For associative operations, fold left and fold right are equivalent"
should be "For commutative associative operations, fold left and fold
right are equivalent".
Counter example for the statement as it stands:
scala> ( "START" /: words) ( _ + _ )
res10: String = STARTthequickbrownfox
scala> (words :\ "START" ) ( _ + _ )
res11: String = thequickbrownfoxSTART
Page 328 (PDF page 367):
Intro: While discussing type inference for fold methods, the books gives
a forward reference, which leads to the wrong chapter.
Text: "To find out why the type inferencer goes wrong, you’ll need to
know about the types of the fold methods and how they are implemented.
More on this in Chapter 22."
Problem: However, folds are not even discussed in chapter 22, and the
issue is discussed much earlier, in section 16.10.
Fix: Please replace last sentence of the quoted text with: "More on this
in Section 16.10."