Code Examples for

Programming in Scala, Second Edition

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1 A Scalable Language

  • 1.1 A language that grows on you
  • 1.2 What makes Scala scalable?
  • 1.3 Why Scala?
  • 1.4 Scala's roots
  • 1.5 Conclusion
  • 1.1 A language that grows on you

    var capital = Map("US" -> "Washington", "France" -> "Paris") capital += ("Japan" -> "Tokyo") println(capital("France"))
    def factorial(x: BigInt): BigInt = if (x == 0) 1 else x * factorial(x - 1)
    import java.math.BigInteger def factorial(x: BigInteger): BigInteger = if (x == BigInteger.ZERO) BigInteger.ONE else x.multiply(factorial(x.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)))
    recipient ! msg
    receive { case Msg1 => ... // handle Msg1 case Msg2 => ... // handle Msg2 // ... }
    actor { var sum = 0 loop { receive { case Data(bytes) => sum += hash(bytes) case GetSum(requester) => requester ! sum } } }

    1.2 What makes Scala scalable?

    1.3 Why Scala?

    // this is Java class MyClass { private int index; private String name; public MyClass(int index, String name) { this.index = index; = name; } }
    class MyClass(index: Int, name: String)
    // this is Java boolean nameHasUpperCase = false; for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); ++i) { if (Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(i))) { nameHasUpperCase = true; break; } }
    val nameHasUpperCase = name.exists(_.isUpper)
    // this is Java interface CharacterProperty { boolean hasProperty(char ch); }
    // this is Java exists(name, new CharacterProperty() { public boolean hasProperty(char ch) { return Character.isUpperCase(ch); } });
    s.exists(p) || s.exists(q) == s.exists(x => p(x) || q(x))
    def f(x: String) = ...
    val x: HashMap[Int, String] = new HashMap[Int, String]()
    val x = new HashMap[Int, String]() val x: Map[Int, String] = new HashMap()

    1.4 Scala's roots

    1.5 Conclusion

    For more information about Programming in Scala, Second Edition (the "Stairway Book"), please visit:


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