Code Examples for

Programming in Scala, Second Edition

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35 The SCells Spreadsheet

  • 35.1 The visual framework
  • 35.2 Disconnecting data entry and display
  • 35.3 Formulas
  • 35.4 Parsing formulas
  • 35.5 Evaluation
  • 35.6 Operation libraries
  • 35.7 Change propagation
  • 35.8 Conclusion
  • 35.1 The visual framework

    // In file scells/ex1/Spreadsheet.scala package org.stairwaybook.scells import swing._ class Spreadsheet(val height: Int, val width: Int) extends ScrollPane { val table = new Table(height, width) { rowHeight = 25 autoResizeMode = Table.AutoResizeMode.Off showGrid = true gridColor = new java.awt.Color(150, 150, 150) } val rowHeader = new ListView((0 until height) map (_.toString)) { fixedCellWidth = 30 fixedCellHeight = table.rowHeight } viewportView = table rowHeaderView = rowHeader }
    // In file scells/ex5/Main.scala package org.stairwaybook.scells import swing._ object Main extends SimpleGUIApplication { def top = new MainFrame { title = "ScalaSheet" contents = new Spreadsheet(100, 26) } }

    35.2 Disconnecting data entry and display

    // In file scells/ex2/Spreadsheet.scala package org.stairwaybook.scells import swing._ class Spreadsheet(val height: Int, val width: Int) extends ScrollPane { val cellModel = new Model(height, width) import cellModel._ val table = new Table(height, width) { // settings as before... override def rendererComponent(isSelected: Boolean, hasFocus: Boolean, row: Int, column: Int): Component = if (hasFocus) new TextField(userData(row, column)) else new Label(cells(row)(column).toString) { xAlignment = Alignment.Right } def userData(row: Int, column: Int): String = { val v = this(row, column) if (v == null) "" else v.toString } } // rest as before... }
    // In file scells/ex3/Model.scala package org.stairwaybook.scells class Model(val height: Int, val width: Int) { case class Cell(row: Int, column: Int) val cells = new Array[Array[Cell]](height, width) for (i <- 0 until height; j <- 0 until width) cells(i)(j) = new Cell(i, j) }

    35.3 Formulas

    // In file scells/ex5/Formulas.scala package org.stairwaybook.scells trait Formula case class Coord(row: Int, column: Int) extends Formula { override def toString = ('A' + column).toChar.toString + row } case class Range(c1: Coord, c2: Coord) extends Formula { override def toString = c1.toString +":"+ c2.toString } case class Number(value: Double) extends Formula { override def toString = value.toString } case class Textual(value: String) extends Formula { override def toString = value } case class Application(function: String, arguments: List[Formula]) extends Formula { override def toString = function + arguments.mkString("(", ",", ")") } object Empty extends Textual("")

    35.4 Parsing formulas

    // In file scells/ex5/FormulaParsers.scala package org.stairwaybook.scells import scala.util.parsing.combinator._ object FormulaParsers extends RegexParsers {
    // In file scells/ex5/FormulaParsers.scala def ident: Parser[String] = """[a-zA-Z_]\w*""".r def decimal: Parser[String] = """-?\d+(\.\d*)?""".r
    // In file scells/ex5/FormulaParsers.scala def cell: Parser[Coord] = """[A-Za-z]\d+""".r ^^ { s => val column = s.charAt(0).toUpper - 'A' val row = s.substring(1).toInt Coord(row, column) }
    // In file scells/ex5/FormulaParsers.scala def range: Parser[Range] = cell~":"~cell ^^ { case c1~":"~c2 => Range(c1, c2) }
    // In file scells/ex5/FormulaParsers.scala def number: Parser[Number] = decimal ^^ (d => Number(d.toDouble))
    // In file scells/ex5/FormulaParsers.scala def application: Parser[Application] = ident~"("~repsep(expr, ",")~")" ^^ { case f~"("~ps~")" => Application(f, ps) }
    // In file scells/ex5/FormulaParsers.scala def expr: Parser[Formula] = range | cell | number | application
    // In file scells/ex5/FormulaParsers.scala def textual: Parser[Textual] = """[^=].*""".r ^^ Textual
    // In file scells/ex5/FormulaParsers.scala def formula: Parser[Formula] = number | textual | "="~>expr
    // In file scells/ex5/FormulaParsers.scala def parse(input: String): Formula = parseAll(formula, input) match { case Success(e, _) => e case f: NoSuccess => Textual("["+ f.msg +"]") } } //end FormulaParsers
    // In file scells/ex4/Spreadsheet.scala package org.stairwaybook.scells import swing._ import event._ class Spreadsheet(val height: Int, val width: Int) ... { val table = new Table(height, width) { ... reactions += { case TableUpdated(table, rows, column) => for (row <- rows) cells(row)(column).formula = FormulaParsers.parse(userData(row, column)) } } }
    // In file scells/ex3/Model.scala case class Cell(row: Int, column: Int) { var formula: Formula = Empty override def toString = formula.toString }
    TableUpdated(table, rows, column)

    35.5 Evaluation

    // In file scells/ex5/Evaluator.scala package org.stairwaybook.scells trait Evaluator { this: Model => ...
    // In file scells/ex5/Evaluator.scala def evaluate(e: Formula): Double = try { e match { case Coord(row, column) => cells(row)(column).value case Number(v) => v case Textual(_) => 0 case Application(function, arguments) => val argvals = arguments flatMap evalList operations(function)(argvals) } } catch { case ex: Exception => Double.NaN }
    // In file scells/ex5/Evaluator.scala type Op = List[Double] => Double val operations = new collection.mutable.HashMap[String, Op]
    // In file scells/ex5/Evaluator.scala private def evalList(e: Formula): List[Double] = e match { case Range(_, _) => references(e) map (_.value) case _ => List(evaluate(e)) }
    // In file scells/ex5/Evaluator.scala def references(e: Formula): List[Cell] = e match { case Coord(row, column) => List(cells(row)(column)) case Range(Coord(r1, c1), Coord(r2, c2)) => for (row <- (r1 to r2).toList; column <- c1 to c2) yield cells(row)(column) case Application(function, arguments) => arguments flatMap references case _ => List() } } // end Evaluator

    35.6 Operation libraries

    // In file scells/ex5/Arithmetic.scala package org.stairwaybook.scells trait Arithmetic { this: Evaluator => operations += ( "add" -> { case List(x, y) => x + y }, "sub" -> { case List(x, y) => x - y }, "div" -> { case List(x, y) => x / y }, "mul" -> { case List(x, y) => x * y }, "mod" -> { case List(x, y) => x % y }, "sum" -> { xs => (0.0 /: xs)(_ + _) }, "prod" -> { xs => (1.0 /: xs)(_ * _) } ) }
    { case List(x, y) => x + y }
    // In file scells/ex4/Model.scala package org.stairwaybook.scells class Model(val height: Int, val width: Int) extends Evaluator with Arithmetic { case class Cell(row: Int, column: Int) { var formula: Formula = Empty def value = evaluate(formula) override def toString = formula match { case Textual(s) => s case _ => value.toString } } ... // rest as before }

    35.7 Change propagation

    // In file scells/ex5/Model.scala package org.stairwaybook.scells import swing._ class Model(val height: Int, val width: Int) extends Evaluator with Arithmetic {
    // In file scells/ex5/Model.scala case class Cell(row: Int, column: Int) extends Publisher { override def toString = formula match { case Textual(s) => s case _ => value.toString }
    // In file scells/ex5/Model.scala private var v: Double = 0 def value: Double = v def value_=(w: Double) { if (!(v == w || v.isNaN && w.isNaN)) { v = w publish(ValueChanged(this)) } }
    // In file scells/ex5/Model.scala private var f: Formula = Empty def formula: Formula = f def formula_=(f: Formula) { for (c <- references(formula)) deafTo(c) this.f = f for (c <- references(formula)) listenTo(c) value = evaluate(f) }
    // In file scells/ex5/Model.scala reactions += { case ValueChanged(_) => value = evaluate(formula) } } // end class Cell
    // In file scells/ex5/Model.scala case class ValueChanged(cell: Cell) extends event.Event
    // In file scells/ex5/Model.scala val cells = new Array[Array[Cell]](height, width) for (i <- 0 until height; j <- 0 until width) cells(i)(j) = new Cell(i, j) } // end class Model
    // In file scells/ex5/Spreadsheet.scala package org.stairwaybook.scells import swing._, event._ class Spreadsheet(val height: Int, val width: Int) extends ScrollPane { val cellModel = new Model(height, width) import cellModel._ val table = new Table(height, width) { ... // settings as in Listing X override def rendererComponent( isSelected: Boolean, hasFocus: Boolean, row: Int, column: Int) = ... // as in Listing X def userData(row: Int, column: Int): String = ... // as in Listing X reactions += { case TableUpdated(table, rows, column) => for (row <- rows) cells(row)(column).formula = FormulaParsers.parse(userData(row, column)) case ValueChanged(cell) => updateCell(cell.row, cell.column) } for (row <- cells; cell <- row) listenTo(cell) } val rowHeader = new ListView(0 until height) { fixedCellWidth = 30 fixedCellHeight = table.rowHeight } viewportView = table rowHeaderView = rowHeader }

    35.8 Conclusion

    For more information about Programming in Scala, Second Edition (the "Stairway Book"), please visit:


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