Code Examples for

Programming in Scala, Third Edition

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13 Packages and Imports

  • 13.1 Putting code in packages
  • 13.2 Concise access to related code
  • 13.3 Imports
  • 13.4 Implicit imports
  • 13.5 Access modifiers
  • 13.6 Package objects
  • 13.7 Conclusion
  • 13.1 Putting code in packages

    // In file packages-and-imports/ex1/Ex1.scala package bobsrockets.navigation class Navigator
    package bobsrockets.navigation { class Navigator }
    package bobsrockets { package navigation { // In package bobsrockets.navigation class Navigator package tests { // In package bobsrockets.navigation.tests class NavigatorSuite } } }
    // In file packages-and-imports/ex4/Ex4.scala package bobsrockets { package navigation { class Navigator { // No need to say bobsrockets.navigation.StarMap val map = new StarMap } class StarMap } class Ship { // No need to say bobsrockets.navigation.Navigator val nav = new navigation.Navigator } package fleets { class Fleet { // No need to say bobsrockets.Ship def addShip() = { new Ship } } } }
    package bobsrockets { class Ship } package bobsrockets.fleets { class Fleet { // Doesn't compile! Ship is not in scope. def addShip() = { new Ship } } }
    // In file packages-and-imports/launch.scala // In file launch.scala package launch { class Booster3 } // In file bobsrockets.scala package bobsrockets { package navigation { package launch { class Booster1 } class MissionControl { val booster1 = new launch.Booster1 val booster2 = new bobsrockets.launch.Booster2 val booster3 = new _root_.launch.Booster3 } } package launch { class Booster2 } }

    13.2 Concise access to related code

    package bobsrockets package fleets class Fleet { // No need to say bobsrockets.Ship def addShip() = { new Ship } }

    13.3 Imports

    // In file packages-and-imports/Fruits.scala package bobsdelights abstract class Fruit( val name: String, val color: String ) object Fruits { object Apple extends Fruit("apple", "red") object Orange extends Fruit("orange", "orange") object Pear extends Fruit("pear", "yellowish") val menu = List(Apple, Orange, Pear) }
    // In file packages-and-imports/Ex5.scala // easy access to Fruit import bobsdelights.Fruit // easy access to all members of bobsdelights import bobsdelights._ // easy access to all members of Fruits import bobsdelights.Fruits._
    // In file packages-and-imports/Ex5.scala def showFruit(fruit: Fruit) = { import fruit._ println(name + "s are " + color) }
    // In file packages-and-imports/Ex6.scala import java.util.regex class AStarB { // Accesses java.util.regex.Pattern val pat = regex.Pattern.compile("a*b") }
    // In file packages-and-imports/Ex7.scala import Notebooks._ import Fruits.{Apple => _, _}

    13.4 Implicit imports

    import java.lang._ // everything in the java.lang package import scala._ // everything in the scala package import Predef._ // everything in the Predef object

    13.5 Access modifiers

    // In file packages-and-imports/Ex8.scala.err class Outer { class Inner { private def f() = { println("f") } class InnerMost { f() // OK } } (new Inner).f() // error: f is not accessible }
    // In file packages-and-imports/Ex9.scala.err package p { class Super { protected def f() = { println("f") } } class Sub extends Super { f() } class Other { (new Super).f() // error: f is not accessible } }
    // In file packages-and-imports/ex10/Ex10.scala package bobsrockets package navigation { private[bobsrockets] class Navigator { protected[navigation] def useStarChart() = {} class LegOfJourney { private[Navigator] val distance = 100 } private[this] var speed = 200 } } package launch { import navigation._ object Vehicle { private[launch] val guide = new Navigator } }
    val other = new Navigator other.speed // this line would not compile
    // In file packages-and-imports/Rocket.scala class Rocket { import Rocket.fuel private def canGoHomeAgain = fuel > 20 } object Rocket { private def fuel = 10 def chooseStrategy(rocket: Rocket) = { if (rocket.canGoHomeAgain) goHome() else pickAStar() } def goHome() = {} def pickAStar() = {} }

    13.6 Package objects

    // In file packages-and-imports/package.scala // In file bobsdelights/package.scala package object bobsdelights { def showFruit(fruit: Fruit) = { import fruit._ println(name + "s are " + color) } } // In file PrintMenu.scala package printmenu import bobsdelights.Fruits import bobsdelights.showFruit object PrintMenu { def main(args: Array[String]) = { for (fruit <- { showFruit(fruit) } } }

    13.7 Conclusion

    For more information about Programming in Scala, Third Edition (the "Stairway Book"), please visit:


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