Sample run of chapter's interpreter examples
// In file abstract-members/AbsConc.scala trait Abstract { type T def transform(x: T): T val initial: T var current: T }
// In file abstract-members/AbsConc.scala class Concrete extends Abstract { type T = String def transform(x: String) = x + x val initial = "hi" var current = initial }
val initial: String
val initial = "hi"
def initial: String
// In file abstract-members/DefOverVal.scala.err abstract class Fruit { val v: String // `v' for value def m: String // `m' for method } abstract class Apple extends Fruit { val v: String val m: String // OK to override a `def' with a `val' } abstract class BadApple extends Fruit { def v: String // ERROR: cannot override a `val' with a `def' def m: String }
// In file abstract-members/AbstractTime.scala trait AbstractTime { var hour: Int var minute: Int }
// In file abstract-members/AbstractTime.scala trait AbstractTime { def hour: Int // getter for `hour' def hour_=(x: Int) // setter for `hour' def minute: Int // getter for `minute' def minute_=(x: Int) // setter for `minute' }
// In file abstract-members/Misc.scala trait RationalTrait { val numerArg: Int val denomArg: Int }
// In file abstract-members/Misc.scala new RationalTrait { val numerArg = 1 val denomArg = 2 }
new Rational(expr1, expr2)
// In file abstract-members/Misc.scala new RationalTrait { val numerArg = expr1 val denomArg = expr2 }
// In file abstract-members/Misc.scala trait RationalTrait { val numerArg: Int val denomArg: Int require(denomArg != 0) private val g = gcd(numerArg, denomArg) val numer = numerArg / g val denom = denomArg / g private def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = if (b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b) override def toString = numer + "/" + denom }
scala> val x = 2 x: Int = 2 scala> new RationalTrait { | val numerArg = 1 * x | val denomArg = 2 * x | } java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed at scala.Predef$.require(Predef.scala:207) at RationalTrait$class.$init$(<console>:10) ... 28 elided
scala> new { | val numerArg = 1 * x | val denomArg = 2 * x | } with RationalTrait res1: RationalTrait = 1/2
// In file abstract-members/Misc.scala object twoThirds extends { val numerArg = 2 val denomArg = 3 } with RationalTrait
// In file abstract-members/Misc.scala class RationalClass(n: Int, d: Int) extends { val numerArg = n val denomArg = d } with RationalTrait { def + (that: RationalClass) = new RationalClass( numer * that.denom + that.numer * denom, denom * that.denom ) }
scala> new { | val numerArg = 1 | val denomArg = this.numerArg * 2 | } with RationalTrait <console>:11: error: value numerArg is not a member of object $iw val denomArg = this.numerArg * 2 ^
scala> object Demo { | val x = { println("initializing x"); "done" } | } defined object Demo
scala> Demo initializing x res3: Demo.type = Demo$@2129a843 scala> Demo.x res4: String = done
scala> object Demo { | lazy val x = { println("initializing x"); "done" } | } defined object Demo scala> Demo res5: Demo.type = Demo$@5b1769c scala> Demo.x initializing x res6: String = done
trait LazyRationalTrait { val numerArg: Int val denomArg: Int lazy val numer = numerArg / g lazy val denom = denomArg / g override def toString = numer + "/" + denom private lazy val g = { require(denomArg != 0) gcd(numerArg, denomArg) } private def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = if (b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b) }
scala> val x = 2 x: Int = 2 scala> new LazyRationalTrait { | val numerArg = 1 * x | val denomArg = 2 * x | } res7: LazyRationalTrait = 1/2
// In file abstract-members/BuggyAnimals.scala.err class Food abstract class Animal { def eat(food: Food) }
// In file abstract-members/BuggyAnimals.scala.err class Grass extends Food class Cow extends Animal { override def eat(food: Grass) = {} // This won't compile }
BuggyAnimals.scala:7: error: class Cow needs to be abstract, since method eat in class Animal of type (Food)Unit is not defined class Cow extends Animal { ^ BuggyAnimals.scala:8: error: method eat overrides nothing override def eat(food: Grass) = {} ^
class Food abstract class Animal { def eat(food: Food) } class Grass extends Food class Cow extends Animal { override def eat(food: Grass) = {} // This won't compile, } // but if it did,... class Fish extends Food val bessy: Animal = new Cow bessy eat (new Fish) // could feed fish to cows.
// In file abstract-members/Animals.scala class Food abstract class Animal { type SuitableFood <: Food def eat(food: SuitableFood) }
// In file abstract-members/Animals.scala class Grass extends Food class Cow extends Animal { type SuitableFood = Grass override def eat(food: Grass) = {} }
scala> class Fish extends Food defined class Fish scala> val bessy: Animal = new Cow bessy: Animal = Cow@1515d8a6 scala> bessy eat (new Fish) <console>:14: error: type mismatch; found : Fish required: bessy.SuitableFood bessy eat (new Fish) ^
class DogFood extends Food class Dog extends Animal { type SuitableFood = DogFood override def eat(food: DogFood) = {} }
scala> val bessy = new Cow bessy: Cow = Cow@713e7e09 scala> val lassie = new Dog lassie: Dog = Dog@6eaf2c57 scala> lassie eat (new bessy.SuitableFood) <console>:16: error: type mismatch; found : Grass required: DogFood lassie eat (new bessy.SuitableFood) ^
scala> val bootsie = new Dog bootsie: Dog = Dog@13a7c48c scala> lassie eat (new bootsie.SuitableFood)
// In file abstract-members/Misc.scala class Outer { class Inner }
val o1 = new Outer val o2 = new Outer
scala> new o1.Inner res11: o1.Inner = Outer$Inner@1ae1e03f
scala> new Outer#Inner <console>:9: error: Outer is not a legal prefix for a constructor new Outer#Inner ^
Animal { type SuitableFood = Grass }
// In file abstract-members/Animals.scala class Pasture { var animals: List[Animal { type SuitableFood = Grass }] = Nil // ... }
// In file abstract-members/Misc.scala object Color extends Enumeration { val Red = Value val Green = Value val Blue = Value }
// In file abstract-members/Misc.scala object Color extends Enumeration { val Red, Green, Blue = Value }
// In file abstract-members/Misc.scala import Color._
// In file abstract-members/Misc.scala object Direction extends Enumeration { val North, East, South, West = Value }
object Direction extends Enumeration { val North = Value("North") val East = Value("East") val South = Value("South") val West = Value("West") }
scala> for (d <- Direction.values) print(d + " ") North East South West
scala> res14: Int = 1
scala> Direction(1) res15: Direction.Value = East
// In file abstract-members/Misc.scala // A first (faulty) design of the Currency class abstract class Currency { val amount: Long def designation: String override def toString = amount + " " + designation def + (that: Currency): Currency = ... def * (x: Double): Currency = ... }
79 USD 11000 Yen 99 Euro
// In file abstract-members/Misc.scala new Currency { val amount = 79L def designation = "USD" }
// In file abstract-members/Misc.scala abstract class Dollar extends Currency { def designation = "USD" } abstract class Euro extends Currency { def designation = "Euro" }
// In file abstract-members/AbstractCurrency.scala.err // A second (still imperfect) design of the Currency class abstract class AbstractCurrency { type Currency <: AbstractCurrency val amount: Long def designation: String override def toString = amount + " " + designation def + (that: Currency): Currency = ... def * (x: Double): Currency = ... }
abstract class Dollar extends AbstractCurrency { type Currency = Dollar def designation = "USD" }
// In file abstract-members/AbstractCurrency.scala.err def + (that: Currency): Currency = new Currency { val amount = this.amount + that.amount }
error: class type required def + (that: Currency): Currency = new Currency { ^
abstract class AbstractCurrency { type Currency <: AbstractCurrency // abstract type def make(amount: Long): Currency // factory method ... // rest of class }
myDollar.make(100) // here are a hundred more!
// In file abstract-members/CurrencyZone.scala abstract class CurrencyZone { type Currency <: AbstractCurrency def make(x: Long): Currency abstract class AbstractCurrency { val amount: Long def designation: String override def toString = amount + " " + designation def + (that: Currency): Currency = make(this.amount + that.amount) def * (x: Double): Currency = make((this.amount * x).toLong) } }
// In file abstract-members/Misc.scala object US extends CurrencyZone { abstract class Dollar extends AbstractCurrency { def designation = "USD" } type Currency = Dollar def make(x: Long) = new Dollar { val amount = x } }
class CurrencyZone { ... val CurrencyUnit: Currency }
// In file abstract-members/CurrencyZone.scala override def toString = ((amount.toDouble / CurrencyUnit.amount.toDouble) formatted ("%." + decimals(CurrencyUnit.amount) + "f") + " " + designation)
// In file abstract-members/CurrencyZone.scala object US extends CurrencyZone { abstract class Dollar extends AbstractCurrency { def designation = "USD" } type Currency = Dollar def make(cents: Long) = new Dollar { val amount = cents } val Cent = make(1) val Dollar = make(100) val CurrencyUnit = Dollar }
// In file abstract-members/CurrencyZone.scala private def decimals(n: Long): Int = if (n == 1) 0 else 1 + decimals(n / 10)
// In file abstract-members/CurrencyZone.scala def from(other: CurrencyZone#AbstractCurrency): Currency = make(math.round( other.amount.toDouble * Converter.exchangeRate (other.designation)(this.designation)))
// In file abstract-members/CurrencyZone.scala object Europe extends CurrencyZone { abstract class Euro extends AbstractCurrency { def designation = "EUR" } type Currency = Euro def make(cents: Long) = new Euro { val amount = cents } val Cent = make(1) val Euro = make(100) val CurrencyUnit = Euro } object Japan extends CurrencyZone { abstract class Yen extends AbstractCurrency { def designation = "JPY" } type Currency = Yen def make(yen: Long) = new Yen { val amount = yen } val Yen = make(1) val CurrencyUnit = Yen }
// In file abstract-members/CurrencyZone.scala object Converter { var exchangeRate = Map( "USD" -> Map("USD" -> 1.0 , "EUR" -> 0.7596, "JPY" -> 1.211 , "CHF" -> 1.223), "EUR" -> Map("USD" -> 1.316 , "EUR" -> 1.0 , "JPY" -> 1.594 , "CHF" -> 1.623), "JPY" -> Map("USD" -> 0.8257, "EUR" -> 0.6272, "JPY" -> 1.0 , "CHF" -> 1.018), "CHF" -> Map("USD" -> 0.8108, "EUR" -> 0.6160, "JPY" -> 0.982 , "CHF" -> 1.0 ) ) }
// In file abstract-members/Misc.scala abstract class CurrencyZone { type Currency <: AbstractCurrency def make(x: Long): Currency abstract class AbstractCurrency { val amount: Long def designation: String def + (that: Currency): Currency = make(this.amount + that.amount) def * (x: Double): Currency = make((this.amount * x).toLong) def - (that: Currency): Currency = make(this.amount - that.amount) def / (that: Double) = make((this.amount / that).toLong) def / (that: Currency) = this.amount.toDouble / that.amount def from(other: CurrencyZone#AbstractCurrency): Currency = make(math.round( other.amount.toDouble * Converter.exchangeRate (other.designation)(this.designation))) private def decimals(n: Long): Int = if (n == 1) 0 else 1 + decimals(n / 10) override def toString = ((amount.toDouble / CurrencyUnit.amount.toDouble) formatted ("%." + decimals(CurrencyUnit.amount) + "f") + " " + designation) } val CurrencyUnit: Currency }
scala> Japan.Yen from US.Dollar * 100 res16: Japan.Currency = 12110 JPY scala> Europe.Euro from res16 res17: Europe.Currency = 75.95 EUR scala> US.Dollar from res17 res18: US.Currency = 99.95 USD
scala> US.Dollar * 100 + res18 res19: US.Currency = 199.95 USD
scala> US.Dollar + Europe.Euro <console>:12: error: type mismatch; found : Europe.Euro required: US.Currency (which expands to) US.Dollar US.Dollar + Europe.Euro ^
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