Page xxxvi (PDF page 36):
Third paragraph, last sentence: "and Scala 2 will *BE* continue to be the
de facto..."
Fixed in later 4ed printing. Tnx.
Page 56 (PDF page 94):
The first line (output of the countchars1.scala) program doesn't include
the .toString call in Listing 3.10
This issue went away in 5ed because we replaced that section with one
about map and for-yield.
Page 83 (PDF page 121):
4ed OReilly Safari (also on page 121 in paperback, 3ed):
"For example, Listing 7.4 shows an alternate way to determine a
greatest common divisor of two numbers."
I guess it should say "the greatest common divisor"; there might be a
number of divisors, but only one can be the greatest.
Page 88 (PDF page 126):
Line 3: "short-ciruit" insted of "short-circuit"
Page 88 (PDF page 126):
Found on Safari online, 4th ed (also on page 88 of paperback 3rd ed):
"but don't short-ciruit like && and ||."
should be:
"but don't short-circuit like && and ||."
Page 100 (PDF page 138):
6.3 => The hex id of the object doesn't match
Fixed in 5ed.
Page 120 (PDF page 158):
"and captures to greet's unit value result, ()."
it should say:
"and captures the greet's unit value result, ()."
Fixed in 5ed. Tnx.
Page 127 (PDF page 165):
On O'Reilly Safari 4ed:
"This **Array[String]** containing lines is transformed into another
Array[String] containing only trimmed lines that include the substring
First appearance of Array[String] uses the wrong font, should use
mono-spaced font.
Page 129 (PDF page 167):
O'Reilly Safari, 4ed (also on page 129, paperback 3ed):
"You can wrap an expression with a finally clause if you want to cause
some code to execute no matter how the expression terminates."
Not really an errata, but a bit misleading. It probably should say "You
can wrap a try-catch expression..." as in the previous paragraph. Or even
better "a try-expression" in both cases, AFAIK catch and finally are
optional clauses subsidiary to a try-expression.
Page 158 (PDF page 196):
On Safari, 4ed:
Section on Repeated parameters
"Nevertheless, if you have an *array* of the appropriate type,.. "
It is actually a seq or sequence, not an array.
"To accomplish this, you'll need to append the *array* argument with.. "
Ditto here.
Fixed in 5ed. Tnx.
Page 232 (PDF page 270):
Based on the superclass:
//from page: 222
abstract class Element {
def contents: Array[String]
val height = contents.length
val width = if (height == 0) 0 else contents(0).length
The book goes on to extend with another sub-class:
class UniformElement(
ch: Char,
override val width: Int,
override val height: Int
) extends Element {
private val line = ch.toString * width
def contents = Array.fill(height)(line)
This causes a null-pointer exception in the Scala REPL.
I found that others also get trapped on this, possibly from older
versions of the book:
I added a footnote that clarifies which version of Element UniformElement
should extend, which is the one in Listing 10.2. If you do that, the NPE
doesn't happen.
Page 251 (PDF page 289):
Listing 10.6 - Invoking a superclass constructor.
it should revise to:
class LineElement(s: String) extends ArrayElement(Array(s)) {
override val width = s.length
override val height = 1
,not :
class LineElement(s: String) extends ArrayElement(Array(s)) {
override def width = s.length
override def height = 1
,otherwise it would report like this:
On line 2: error: stable, immutable value required to override:
val width: Int (defined in class Element)
override def height = 1
On line 3: error: stable, immutable value required to override:
val height: Int (defined in class Element)
The issue is from extending the wrong version of Element. I added
comments to clarify in 5ed. Tnx.
Page 305 (PDF page 343):
Listing 15.22 says
def show(e: Expr) = s"${println(f.format(e))}\n\n"
But since "\n\n" is not part of the String passed to function println, it
won't produce the line-spacing between expressions shown on page 306.
The code below seems more accurate:
def show(e: Expr) = println(s"${f.format(e)}\n\n")
Fixed in 5ed. Tnx.
Page 587 (PDF page 625):
First line of subtractOne function, the last prev statement is redundant,
because the last statement of the function returns "this". Possibly, the
"else" block needs braces. I haven't worked out the code yet.
I found some other issues also, and made a TODO to fix in 5ed Advanced.
Tnx for reporting.
Page 615 (PDF page 653):
Scala provides the @scala.reflect.BeanProperty
annotation. If you add this annotation to a field, the compiler will
automatically generate get and set methods for you.
BeanProperty is in scala.beans package.
Fixed in 5ed. Tnx.
Page 646 (PDF page 684):
"For value types, == is value comparison, just
like in Java. For reference types, == is the same as equals in Scala."
I wonder if it shouldnt be:
"is the same as equals in Java."
Reworked to make it clearer in 5ed. We did mean in Scala, but meant == in
Scala not equals in Scala.
Page 653 (PDF page 691):
Automatic get and set methods:
@scala.reflect.BeanProperty is wrong. @scala.beans.BeanProperty is true
Fixed in 5ed. Tnx.
Page 701 (PDF page 739):
Combining futures: zip, Future.foldLeft, Future.reduceLeft,
Future.sequence, and Future.traverse
Page 739, 740
Still use TraversableOnce (not included in the Scala 2.13 collection
framework) rather then the right IterableOnce in this section.
Fixed in 5ed. Tnx.
Page 1082 (PDF page 1120):
I think there is an issue with the code sample involving iterators
and dropwhile.
scala> val it = Iterator("a", "number", "of", "words")
it: Iterator[java.lang.String] = <iterator>
scala> it dropWhile (_.length < 2)
res4: Iterator[java.lang.String] = <iterator>
res5: java.lang.String = number
The book states that after the call to dropWhile, the iterator "it"
points to "number". This is not the case when I run this code in the
Scala REPL or in a script. It instead points to "a". It looks like the
call creates an independent iterator which points to "number". I
wrote this to verify:
val it2 = it dropWhile (_.length < 2)
println( // prints "number"
True. Fixed this in 5ed. Tnx.