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Errata for Programming in Scala, 4th Edition
Chapter 10: Composition and Inheritance
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Page 232 (PDF page 270):
Based on the superclass:

//from page: 222
abstract class Element {
  def contents: Array[String]
  val height = contents.length
  val width = if (height == 0) 0 else contents(0).length

The book goes on to extend with another sub-class:

class UniformElement(
                    ch: Char,
                    override val width: Int,
                    override val height: Int
                    ) extends Element {
  private val line = ch.toString * width
  def contents = Array.fill(height)(line)

This causes a null-pointer exception in the Scala REPL.

I found that others also get trapped on this, possibly from older
versions of the book:

I added a footnote that clarifies which version of Element UniformElement
should extend, which is the one in Listing 10.2. If you do that, the NPE
doesn't happen.
Page 251 (PDF page 289):
Listing 10.6 - Invoking a superclass constructor.
it should revise to:

class LineElement(s: String) extends ArrayElement(Array(s)) {
  override val width = s.length
  override val height = 1

,not :

class LineElement(s: String) extends ArrayElement(Array(s)) {
override def width = s.length
override def height = 1

,otherwise it would report like this:

On line 2: error: stable, immutable value required to override:
       val width: Int (defined in class Element)
       	override def height = 1
On line 3: error: stable, immutable value required to override:
       val height: Int (defined in class Element)

The issue is from extending the wrong version of Element. I added
comments to clarify in 5ed. Tnx.

Page number: Book type: Paperback book PDF eBook
Book version: (Or build date. Found on back of title page.)
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