/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2019 Artima, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Automatically generated Scala interpreter transcript from: * * Programming in Scala (Fourth Edition) * by Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, Bill Venners * * http://booksites.artima.com/programming_in_scala_4ed */ scala> abstract class Expr case class Var(name: String) extends Expr case class Number(num: Double) extends Expr case class UnOp(operator: String, arg: Expr) extends Expr case class BinOp(operator: String, left: Expr, right: Expr) extends Expr defined class Expr defined class Var defined class Number defined class UnOp defined class BinOp scala> val v = Var("x") v: Var = Var(x) scala> val op = BinOp("+", Number(1), v) op: BinOp = BinOp(+,Number(1.0),Var(x)) scala> v.name res0: String = x scala> op.left res1: Expr = Number(1.0) scala> println(op) BinOp(+,Number(1.0),Var(x)) scala> op.right == Var("x") res3: Boolean = true scala> op.copy(operator = "-") res4: BinOp = BinOp(-,Number(1.0),Var(x)) scala> def simplifyTop(expr: Expr): Expr = expr match { case UnOp("-", UnOp("-", e)) => e // Double negation case BinOp("+", e, Number(0)) => e // Adding zero case BinOp("*", e, Number(1)) => e // Multiplying by one case _ => expr } simplifyTop: (expr: Expr)Expr scala> simplifyTop(UnOp("-", UnOp("-", Var("x")))) res5: Expr = Var(x) scala> def describe(x: Any) = x match { case 5 => "five" case true => "truth" case "hello" => "hi!" case Nil => "the empty list" case _ => "something else" } describe: (x: Any)String scala> describe(5) res6: String = five scala> describe(true) res7: String = truth scala> describe("hello") res8: String = hi! scala> describe(Nil) res9: String = the empty list scala> describe(List(1,2,3)) res10: String = something else scala> import math.{E, Pi} import math.{E, Pi} scala> E match { case Pi => "strange math? Pi = " + Pi case _ => "OK" } res11: String = OK scala> val pi = math.Pi pi: Double = 3.141592653589793 scala> E match { case pi => "strange math? Pi = " + pi } res12: String = strange math? Pi = 2.718281828459045 scala> E match { case pi => "strange math? Pi = " + pi case _ => "OK" } case pi => "strange math? Pi = " + pi ^ On line 2: warning: patterns after a variable pattern cannot match (SLS 8.1.1) case _ => "OK" ^ On line 3: warning: unreachable code due to variable pattern 'pi' on line 2 case _ => "OK" ^ On line 3: warning: unreachable code res13: String = strange math? Pi = 2.718281828459045 scala> E match { case `pi` => "strange math? Pi = " + pi case _ => "OK" } res14: String = OK scala> def tupleDemo(expr: Any) = expr match { case (a, b, c) => println("matched " + a + b + c) case _ => } tupleDemo: (expr: Any)Unit scala> tupleDemo(("a ", 3, "-tuple")) matched a 3-tuple scala> def generalSize(x: Any) = x match { case s: String => s.length case m: Map[_, _] => m.size case _ => -1 } generalSize: (x: Any)Int scala> generalSize("abc") res16: Int = 3 scala> generalSize(Map(1 -> 'a', 2 -> 'b')) res17: Int = 2 scala> generalSize(math.Pi) res18: Int = -1 scala> def isIntIntMap(x: Any) = x match { case m: Map[Int, Int] => true case _ => false } case m: Map[Int, Int] => true ^ On line 2: warning: non-variable type argument Int in type pattern scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] (the underlying of Map[Int,Int]) is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure isIntIntMap: (x: Any)Boolean scala> isIntIntMap(Map(1 -> 1)) res19: Boolean = true scala> isIntIntMap(Map("abc" -> "abc")) res20: Boolean = true scala> def isStringArray(x: Any) = x match { case a: Array[String] => "yes" case _ => "no" } isStringArray: (x: Any)String scala> val as = Array("abc") as: Array[String] = Array(abc) scala> isStringArray(as) res21: String = yes scala> val ai = Array(1, 2, 3) ai: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3) scala> isStringArray(ai) res22: String = no scala> def simplifyAdd(e: Expr) = e match { case BinOp("+", x, x) => BinOp("*", x, Number(2)) case _ => e } case BinOp("+", x, x) => BinOp("*", x, Number(2)) ^ On line 2: error: x is already defined as value x scala> def simplifyAdd(e: Expr) = e match { case BinOp("+", x, y) if x == y => BinOp("*", x, Number(2)) case _ => e } simplifyAdd: (e: Expr)Expr scala> def simplifyBad(expr: Expr): Expr = expr match { case UnOp(op, e) => UnOp(op, simplifyBad(e)) case UnOp("-", UnOp("-", e)) => e } case UnOp("-", UnOp("-", e)) => e ^ On line 3: warning: unreachable code simplifyBad: (expr: Expr)Expr scala> sealed abstract class Expr case class Var(name: String) extends Expr case class Number(num: Double) extends Expr case class UnOp(operator: String, arg: Expr) extends Expr case class BinOp(operator: String, left: Expr, right: Expr) extends Expr defined class Expr defined class Var defined class Number defined class UnOp defined class BinOp scala> def describe(e: Expr): String = e match { case Number(_) => "a number" case Var(_) => "a variable" } ^ warning: match may not be exhaustive. It would fail on the following inputs: BinOp(_, _, _), UnOp(_, _) describe: (e: Expr)String scala> val capitals = Map("France" -> "Paris", "Japan" -> "Tokyo") capitals: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String] = Map(France -> Paris, Japan -> Tokyo) scala> capitals get "France" res23: Option[String] = Some(Paris) scala> capitals get "North Pole" res24: Option[String] = None scala> def show(x: Option[String]) = x match { case Some(s) => s case None => "?" } show: (x: Option[String])String scala> show(capitals get "Japan") res25: String = Tokyo scala> show(capitals get "France") res26: String = Paris scala> show(capitals get "North Pole") res27: String = ? scala> val myTuple = (123, "abc") myTuple: (Int, String) = (123,abc) scala> val (number, string) = myTuple number: Int = 123 string: String = abc scala> val exp = new BinOp("*", Number(5), Number(1)) exp: BinOp = BinOp(*,Number(5.0),Number(1.0)) scala> val BinOp(op, left, right) = exp op: String = * left: Expr = Number(5.0) right: Expr = Number(1.0) scala> val withDefault: Option[Int] => Int = { case Some(x) => x case None => 0 } withDefault: Option[Int] => Int = $$Lambda$1067/768904470@7220c0c8 scala> withDefault(Some(10)) res28: Int = 10 scala> withDefault(None) res29: Int = 0 scala> val second: List[Int] => Int = { case x :: y :: _ => y } ^ warning: match may not be exhaustive. It would fail on the following inputs: List(_), Nil second: List[Int] => Int = $$Lambda$1068/532768163@3f0b2b5b scala> val second: PartialFunction[List[Int],Int] = { case x :: y :: _ => y } second: PartialFunction[List[Int],Int] = scala> second.isDefinedAt(List(5,6,7)) res30: Boolean = true scala> second.isDefinedAt(List()) res31: Boolean = false scala> for ((country, city) <- capitals) println("The capital of " + country + " is " + city) The capital of France is Paris The capital of Japan is Tokyo scala> val results = List(Some("apple"), None, Some("orange")) results: List[Option[String]] = List(Some(apple), None, Some(orange)) scala> for (Some(fruit) <- results) println(fruit) apple orange