Code Examples for

Programming in Scala, Fourth Edition

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21 Implicit Conversions and Parameters

Sample run of chapter's interpreter examples

21.1 Implicit conversions

// In file implicit-conversions-and-parameters/Swing1.scala val button = new JButton button.addActionListener( new ActionListener { def actionPerformed(event: ActionEvent) = { println("pressed!") } } )
button.addActionListener( // Type mismatch! (_: ActionEvent) => println("pressed!") )
// In file implicit-conversions-and-parameters/Swing2.scala implicit def function2ActionListener(f: ActionEvent => Unit) = new ActionListener { def actionPerformed(event: ActionEvent) = f(event) }
button.addActionListener( function2ActionListener( (_: ActionEvent) => println("pressed!") ) )
// In file implicit-conversions-and-parameters/Swing2.scala // Now this works button.addActionListener( (_: ActionEvent) => println("pressed!") )

21.2 Rules for implicits

// In file implicit-conversions-and-parameters/Misc.scala implicit def intToString(x: Int) = x.toString
object Dollar { implicit def dollarToEuro(x: Dollar): Euro = ... } class Dollar { ... }
object MyConversions { implicit def stringWrapper(s: String): IndexedSeq[Char] = ... implicit def intToString(x: Int): String = ... }
import MyConversions.stringWrapper ... // code making use of stringWrapper

21.3 Implicit conversion to an expected type

scala> val i: Int = 3.5 <console>:7: error: type mismatch; found : Double(3.5) required: Int val i: Int = 3.5 ^
scala> implicit def doubleToInt(x: Double) = x.toInt doubleToInt: (x: Double)Int scala> val i: Int = 3.5 i: Int = 3
val i: Int = doubleToInt(3.5)
// In file implicit-conversions-and-parameters/Misc.scala implicit def int2double(x: Int): Double = x.toDouble

21.4 Converting the receiver

class Rational(n: Int, d: Int) { ... def + (that: Rational): Rational = ... def + (that: Int): Rational = ... }
scala> val oneHalf = new Rational(1, 2) oneHalf: Rational = 1/2 scala> oneHalf + oneHalf res0: Rational = 1/1 scala> oneHalf + 1 res1: Rational = 3/2
scala> 1 + oneHalf <console>:6: error: overloaded method value + with alternatives (Double)Double <and> ... cannot be applied to (Rational) 1 + oneHalf ^
scala> implicit def intToRational(x: Int) = | new Rational(x, 1) intToRational: (x: Int)Rational
scala> 1 + oneHalf res2: Rational = 3/2
intToRational(1) + oneHalf
// In file implicit-conversions-and-parameters/Misc.scala Map(1 -> "one", 2 -> "two", 3 -> "three")
package scala object Predef { class ArrowAssoc[A](x: A) { def -> [B](y: B): Tuple2[A, B] = Tuple2(x, y) } implicit def any2ArrowAssoc[A](x: A): ArrowAssoc[A] = new ArrowAssoc(x) ... }
case class Rectangle(width: Int, height: Int)
implicit class RectangleMaker(width: Int) { def x(height: Int) = Rectangle(width, height) }
// Automatically generated implicit def RectangleMaker(width: Int) = new RectangleMaker(width)
scala> val myRectangle = 3 x 4 myRectangle: Rectangle = Rectangle(3,4)

21.5 Implicit parameters

class PreferredPrompt(val preference: String)
object Greeter { def greet(name: String)(implicit prompt: PreferredPrompt) = { println("Welcome, " + name + ". The system is ready.") println(prompt.preference) } }
scala> val bobsPrompt = new PreferredPrompt("relax> ") bobsPrompt: PreferredPrompt = PreferredPrompt@714d36d6 scala> Greeter.greet("Bob")(bobsPrompt) Welcome, Bob. The system is ready. relax>
object JoesPrefs { implicit val prompt = new PreferredPrompt("Yes, master> ") }
scala> Greeter.greet("Joe") <console>:13: error: could not find implicit value for parameter prompt: PreferredPrompt Greeter.greet("Joe") ^
scala> import JoesPrefs._ import JoesPrefs._ scala> Greeter.greet("Joe") Welcome, Joe. The system is ready. Yes, master>
scala> Greeter.greet("Joe") <console>:19: error: could not find implicit value for parameter prompt: PreferredPrompt Greeter.greet("Joe") ^
scala> import JoesPrefs._ import JoesPrefs._
scala> Greeter.greet("Joe")(prompt, drink) Welcome, Joe. The system is ready. But while you work, why not enjoy a cup of tea? Yes, master>
scala> Greeter.greet("Joe") Welcome, Joe. The system is ready. But while you work, why not enjoy a cup of tea? Yes, master>
class PreferredPrompt(val preference: String) class PreferredDrink(val preference: String) object Greeter { def greet(name: String)(implicit prompt: PreferredPrompt, drink: PreferredDrink) = { println("Welcome, " + name + ". The system is ready.") print("But while you work, ") println("why not enjoy a cup of " + drink.preference + "?") println(prompt.preference) } } object JoesPrefs { implicit val prompt = new PreferredPrompt("Yes, master> ") implicit val drink = new PreferredDrink("tea") }
// In file implicit-conversions-and-parameters/Misc.scala def maxListOrdering[T](elements: List[T]) (ordering: Ordering[T]): T = elements match { case List() => throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty list!") case List(x) => x case x :: rest => val maxRest = maxListOrdering(rest)(ordering) if (, maxRest)) x else maxRest }
// In file implicit-conversions-and-parameters/MaxList1.scala def maxListImpParm[T](elements: List[T]) (implicit ordering: Ordering[T]): T = elements match { case List() => throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty list!") case List(x) => x case x :: rest => val maxRest = maxListImpParm(rest)(ordering) if (, maxRest)) x else maxRest }
scala> maxListImpParm(List(1,5,10,3)) res9: Int = 10 scala> maxListImpParm(List(1.5, 5.2, 10.7, 3.14159)) res10: Double = 10.7 scala> maxListImpParm(List("one", "two", "three")) res11: String = two
def maxListPoorStyle[T](elements: List[T]) (implicit orderer: (T, T) => Boolean): T

21.6 Context bounds

// In file implicit-conversions-and-parameters/Misc.scala def maxList[T](elements: List[T]) (implicit ordering: Ordering[T]): T = elements match { case List() => throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty list!") case List(x) => x case x :: rest => val maxRest = maxList(rest) // (ordering) is implicit if (, maxRest)) x // this ordering is else maxRest // still explicit }
def implicitly[T](implicit t: T) = t
// In file implicit-conversions-and-parameters/Misc.scala def maxList[T](elements: List[T]) (implicit comparator: Ordering[T]): T = // same body...
// In file implicit-conversions-and-parameters/Misc.scala def maxList[T](elements: List[T]) (implicit ordering: Ordering[T]): T = elements match { case List() => throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty list!") case List(x) => x case x :: rest => val maxRest = maxList(rest) if (implicitly[Ordering[T]].gt(x, maxRest)) x else maxRest }
// In file implicit-conversions-and-parameters/Misc.scala def maxList[T](elements: List[T]) (implicit iceCream: Ordering[T]): T = // same body...
// In file implicit-conversions-and-parameters/Misc.scala def maxList[T : Ordering](elements: List[T]): T = elements match { case List() => throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty list!") case List(x) => x case x :: rest => val maxRest = maxList(rest) if (implicitly[Ordering[T]].gt(x, maxRest)) x else maxRest }

21.7 When multiple conversions apply

scala> def printLength(seq: Seq[Int]) = println(seq.length) printLength: (seq: Seq[Int])Unit scala> implicit def intToRange(i: Int) = 1 to i intToRange: (i: Int)scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive scala> implicit def intToDigits(i: Int) = | intToDigits: (i: Int)List[Int] scala> printLength(12) <console>:26: error: type mismatch; found : Int(12) required: Seq[Int] Note that implicit conversions are not applicable because they are ambiguous: both method intToRange of type (i: Int)scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive and method intToDigits of type (i: Int)List[Int] are possible conversion functions from Int(12) to Seq[Int] printLength(12) ^
val cba = "abc".reverse

21.8 Debugging implicits

scala> val chars: List[Char] = "xyz" <console>:24: error: type mismatch; found : String("xyz") required: List[Char] val chars: List[Char] = "xyz" ^
scala> val chars: List[Char] = wrapString("xyz") <console>:24: error: type mismatch; found : scala.collection.immutable.WrappedString required: List[Char] val chars: List[Char] = wrapString("xyz") ^
// In file implicit-conversions-and-parameters/Mocha.scala object Mocha extends App { class PreferredDrink(val preference: String) implicit val pref = new PreferredDrink("mocha") def enjoy(name: String)(implicit drink: PreferredDrink) = { print("Welcome, " + name) print(". Enjoy a ") print(drink.preference) println("!") } enjoy("reader") }
$ scalac -Xprint:typer mocha.scala [[syntax trees at end of typer]]// Scala source: mocha.scala package <empty> { final object Mocha extends java.lang.Object with Application with ScalaObject { // ... private[this] val pref: Mocha.PreferredDrink = new Mocha.this.PreferredDrink("mocha"); implicit <stable> <accessor> def pref: Mocha.PreferredDrink = Mocha.this.pref; def enjoy(name: String) (implicit drink: Mocha.PreferredDrink): Unit = { scala.this.Predef.print("Welcome, ".+(name)); scala.this.Predef.print(". Enjoy a "); scala.this.Predef.print(drink.preference); scala.this.Predef.println("!") }; Mocha.this.enjoy("reader")(Mocha.this.pref) } }

21.9 Conclusion

For more information about Programming in Scala, Fourth Edition (the "Stairway Book"), please visit:


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