Code Examples for

Programming in Scala, Fourth Edition

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34 GUI Programming

  • 34.1 A first Swing application
  • 34.2 Panels and layouts
  • 34.3 Handling events
  • 34.4 Example: Celsius/Fahrenheit converter
  • 34.5 Conclusion
  • 34.1 A first Swing application

    import scala.swing._
    // In file gui-programming/FirstSwingApp.scala import scala.swing._ object FirstSwingApp extends SimpleSwingApplication { def top = new MainFrame { title = "First Swing App" contents = new Button { text = "Click me" } } }
    object FirstSwingApp extends SimpleSwingApplication {
    def top = new MainFrame {
    title = "First Swing App"
    def title: String
    def title_=(s: String)
    contents = new Button {
    text = "Click me"

    34.2 Panels and layouts

    // In file gui-programming/SecondSwingApp.scala import scala.swing._ object SecondSwingApp extends SimpleSwingApplication { def top = new MainFrame { title = "Second Swing App" val button = new Button { text = "Click me" } val label = new Label { text = "No button clicks registered" } contents = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) { contents += button contents += label border = Swing.EmptyBorder(30, 30, 10, 30) } } }
    val label = new Label { text = "No button clicks registered" }
    contents = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
    contents += button contents += label
    border = Swing.EmptyBorder(30, 30, 10, 30)

    34.3 Handling events

    case class ButtonClicked(source: Button)
    var nClicks = 0 reactions += { case ButtonClicked(b) => nClicks += 1 label.text = "Number of button clicks: " + nClicks }
    // In file gui-programming/ReactiveSwingApp.scala import scala.swing._ import scala.swing.event._ object ReactiveSwingApp extends SimpleSwingApplication { def top = new MainFrame { title = "Reactive Swing App" val button = new Button { text = "Click me" } val label = new Label { text = "No button clicks registered" } contents = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) { contents += button contents += label border = Swing.EmptyBorder(30, 30, 10, 30) } listenTo(button) var nClicks = 0 reactions += { case ButtonClicked(b) => nClicks += 1 label.text = "Number of button clicks: " + nClicks } } }
    // In file gui-programming/TempConverter.scala import swing._ import event._ object TempConverter extends SimpleSwingApplication { def top = new MainFrame { title = "Celsius/Fahrenheit Converter" object celsius extends TextField { columns = 5 } object fahrenheit extends TextField { columns = 5 } contents = new FlowPanel { contents += celsius contents += new Label(" Celsius = ") contents += fahrenheit contents += new Label(" Fahrenheit") border = Swing.EmptyBorder(15, 10, 10, 10) } listenTo(celsius, fahrenheit) reactions += { case EditDone(`fahrenheit`) => val f = fahrenheit.text.toInt val c = (f - 32) * 5 / 9 celsius.text = c.toString case EditDone(`celsius`) => val c = celsius.text.toInt val f = c * 9 / 5 + 32 fahrenheit.text = f.toString } } }

    34.4 Example: Celsius/Fahrenheit converter

    import swing._ import event._
    import scala.swing._ import scala.swing.event._
    case EditDone(`celsius`)

    34.5 Conclusion

    For more information about Programming in Scala, Fourth Edition (the "Stairway Book"), please visit:


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