Code Examples for

Programming in Scala, Fifth Edition

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5 Basic Types and Operations

Sample run of chapter's interpreter examples

5.1 Some basic types

5.2 Literals

val hex = 0x5 // 5: Int val hex2 = 0x00FF // 255: Int val magic = 0xcafebabe // -889275714: Int val billion = 1_000_000_000 // 1000000000: Int
val dec1 = 31 // 31: Int val dec2 = 255 // 255: Int val dec3 = 20 // 20: Int
val prog = 0XCAFEBABEL // 3405691582: Long val tower = 35L // 35: Long val of = 31l // 31: Long
val little: Short = 367 // 367: Short val littler: Byte = 38 // 38: Byte
val big = 1.2345 // 1.2345: Double val bigger = 1.2345e1 // 12.345: Double val biggerStill = 123E45 // 1.23E47: Double val trillion = 1_000_000_000e3 // 1.0E12: Double
val little = 1.2345F // 1.2345: Float val littleBigger = 3e5f // 300000.0: Float
val anotherDouble = 3e5 // 300000.0: Double val yetAnother = 3e5D // 300000.0: Double
import scala.language.experimental.genericNumberLiterals
val invoice: BigInt = 1_000_000_000_000_000_000_000 val pi: BigDecimal = 3.1415926535897932384626433833
scala> val a = 'A' val a: Char = A
scala> val d = '\u0041' val d: Char = A scala> val f = '\u0044' val f: Char = D
scala> val B\u0041\u0044 = 1 val BAD: Int = 1
scala> val backslash = '\\' val backslash: Char = \
scala> val hello = "hello" val hello: String = hello
scala> val escapes = "\\\"\'" val escapes: String = \"'
// In file basic-types-and-operations/help1.scala println("""Welcome to Ultamix 3000. Type "HELP" for help.""")
Welcome to Ultamix 3000. Type "HELP" for help.
// In file basic-types-and-operations/help2.scala println("""|Welcome to Ultamix 3000. |Type "HELP" for help.""".stripMargin)
Welcome to Ultamix 3000. Type "HELP" for help.
val bool = true // true: Boolean val fool = false // false: Boolean

5.3 String interpolation

val name = "reader" println(s"Hello, $name!")
scala> s"The answer is ${6 * 7}." val res0: String = The answer is 42.
println(raw"No\\\\escape!") // prints: No\z\z\z{\z}escape!
scala> f"${math.Pi}%.5f" val res1: String = 3.14159
scala> val pi = "Pi" val pi: String = Pi scala> f"pi is approximately {math.Pi}%.8f." val res2: String = Pi is approximately 3.14159265.

5.4 Operators are methods

val sum = 1 + 2 // Scala invokes 1.+(2)
scala> val sumMore = 1.+(2) val sumMore: Int = 3
scala> val longSum = 1 + 2L // Scala invokes 1.+(2L) val longSum: Long = 3
scala> val s = "Hello, world!" val s: String = Hello, world! scala> s indexOf 'o' // Scala invokes s.indexOf('o') val res0: Int = 4
scala> -2.0 // Scala invokes (2.0).unary_- val res2: Double = -2.0 scala> (2.0).unary_- val res3: Double = -2.0
scala> val s = "Hello, world!" val s: String = Hello, world! scala> s.toLowerCase val res4: String = hello, world!
scala> import scala.language.postfixOps scala> s toLowerCase val res5: String = hello, world!

5.5 Arithmetic operations

1.2 + 2.3 // 3.5: Double 3 - 1 // 2: Int 'b' - 'a' // 1: Int 2L * 3L // 6: Long 11 / 4 // 2: Int 11 % 4 // 3: Int 11.0f / 4.0f // 2.75: Float 11.0 % 4.0 // 3.0: Double
math.IEEEremainder(11.0, 4.0) // -1.0: Double
val neg = 1 + -3 // -2: Neg val y = +3 // 3: Int -neg // 2: Int

5.6 Relational and logical operations

1 > 2 // false: Boolean 1 < 2 // true: Boolean 1.0 <= 1.0 // true: Boolean 3.5f >= 3.6f // false: Boolean 'a' >= 'A' // true: Boolean val untrue = !true // false: Boolean
val toBe = true // true: Boolean val question = toBe || !toBe // true: Boolean val paradox = toBe && !toBe // false: Boolean
scala> def salt() = { println("salt"); false } def salt(): Boolean scala> def pepper() = { println("pepper"); true } def pepper(): Boolean scala> pepper() && salt() pepper salt val res21: Boolean = false scala> salt() && pepper() salt val res22: Boolean = false
scala> salt() & pepper() salt pepper val res23: Boolean = false

5.7 Bitwise operations

1 & 2 // 0: Int 1 | 2 // 3: Int 1 ^ 3 // 2: Int ~1 // -2: Int
-1 >> 31 // -1: Int -1 >>> 31 // 1: Int 1 << 2 // 4: Int

5.8 Object equality

1 == 2 // false: Boolean 1 != 2 // true: Boolean 2 == 2 // true: Boolean
List(1, 2, 3) == List(1, 2, 3) // true: Boolean List(1, 2, 3) == List(4, 5, 6) // false: Boolean
1 == 1.0 // true: Boolean List(1, 2, 3) == "hello" // false: Boolean
List(1, 2, 3) == null // false: Boolean null == List(1, 2, 3) // false: Boolean
("he" + "llo") == "hello" // true: Boolean

5.9 Operator precedence and associativity

(2 + 2) * 7
2 << 2 + 2 // 32: Int
2 + 2 << 2 // 16: Int
x *= y + 1
x *= (y + 1)
{ val x = a; b.:::(x) }

5.10 Rich operations

5.11 Conclusion

For more information about Programming in Scala, Fifth Edition (the "Stairway Book"), please visit:


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