Code Examples for

Programming in Scala, Fifth Edition

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21 Givens

Sample run of chapter's interpreter examples

21.1 How it works

class PreferredPrompt(val preference: String)
object Greeter: def greet(name: String)(using prompt: PreferredPrompt) = println(s"Welcome, $name. The system is ready.") println(prompt.preference)
// In file givens/JillsPrefs.scala object JillsPrefs: given prompt: PreferredPrompt = PreferredPrompt("Your wish> ")
scala> Greeter.greet("Jill") 1 |Greeter.greet("Jill") | ^ |no implicit argument of type PreferredPrompt was found |for parameter prompt of method greet in object Greeter
scala> import JillsPrefs.prompt scala> Greeter.greet("Jill") Welcome, Jill. The system is ready. Your wish>
scala> Greeter.greet("Jill")(JillsPrefs.prompt) 1 |Greeter.greet("Jill")(JillsPrefs.prompt) |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |method greet in object Greeter does not take more |parameters
scala> Greeter.greet("Jill")(using JillsPrefs.prompt) Welcome, Jill. The system is ready. Your wish>
scala> Greeter.greet("Joe") 1 |Greeter.greet("Joe") | ^ |no implicit argument of type PreferredPrompt was found |for parameter prompt of method greet in object Greeter
scala> import JoesPrefs.{prompt, drink}
scala> Greeter.greet("Joe")(using prompt, drink) Welcome, Joe. The system is ready. But while you work, why not enjoy a cup of tea? relax>
scala> Greeter.greet("Joe") Welcome, Joe. The system is ready. But while you work, why not enjoy a cup of tea? relax>
// In file givens/prefs.scala class PreferredPrompt(val preference: String) class PreferredDrink(val preference: String) object Greeter: def greet(name: String)(using prompt: PreferredPrompt, drink: PreferredDrink) = println(s"Welcome, $name. The system is ready.") print("But while you work, ") println(s"why not enjoy a cup of ${drink.preference}?") println(prompt.preference) object JoesPrefs: given prompt: PreferredPrompt = PreferredPrompt("relax> ") given drink: PreferredDrink = PreferredDrink("tea")

21.2 Parameterized given types

// Does not compile. def isort[T](xs: List[T]): List[T] = if xs.isEmpty then Nil else insert(xs.head, isort(xs.tail)) def insert[T](x: T, xs: List[T]): List[T] = if xs.isEmpty || x <= xs.head then x :: xs else xs.head :: insert(x, xs.tail)
6 | if xs.isEmpty || x <= xs.head then x :: xs | ^^^^ | value <= is not a member of T, ...
// In file givens/isort1.scala def isort[T](xs: List[T])(lteq: (T, T) => Boolean): List[T] = if xs.isEmpty then Nil else insert(xs.head, isort(xs.tail)(lteq))(lteq) def insert[T](x: T, xs: List[T]) (lteq: (T, T) => Boolean): List[T] = if xs.isEmpty || lteq(x, xs.head) then x :: xs else xs.head :: insert(x, xs.tail)(lteq)
// In file givens/isort1.scala isort(List(4, -10, 10))((x: Int, y: Int) => x <= y) // List(-10, 4, 10) isort(List("cherry", "blackberry", "apple", "pear")) ((x: String, y: String) => x.compareTo(y) <= 0) // List(apple, blackberry, cherry, pear) isort(List(Rational(7, 8), Rational(5, 6), Rational(1, 2))) ((x: Rational, y: Rational) => x.numer * y.denom <= x.denom * y.numer) // List(1/2, 5/6, 7/8)
// In file givens/isort1.scala isort(List(4, -10, 10))((x, y) => x <= y) // List(-10, 4, 10) isort(List("cherry", "blackberry", "apple", "pear")) ((x, y) => x.compareTo(y) < 1) // List(apple, blackberry, cherry, pear) isort(List(Rational(7, 8), Rational(5, 6), Rational(1, 2))) ((x, y) => x.numer * y.denom <= x.denom * y.numer) // List(1/2, 5/6, 7/8)
// In file givens/Ord.scala trait Ord[T]: def compare(x: T, y: T): Int def lteq(x: T, y: T): Boolean = compare(x, y) < 1
// In file givens/rationalOrd.scala def isort[T](xs: List[T])(using ord: Ord[T]): List[T] = if xs.isEmpty then Nil else insert(xs.head, isort(xs.tail)) def insert[T](x: T, xs: List[T]) (using ord: Ord[T]): List[T] = if xs.isEmpty || ord.lteq(x, xs.head) then x :: xs else xs.head :: insert(x, xs.tail)
object Ord: // (Not yet idiomatic) given intOrd: Ord[Int] = new Ord[Int]: def compare(x: Int, y: Int) = if x == y then 0 else if x > y then 1 else -1
object Ord: // This is idiomatic given intOrd: Ord[Int] with def compare(x: Int, y: Int) = if x == y then 0 else if x > y then 1 else -1
isort(List(10, 2, -10)) // List(-10, 2, 10)
// In file givens/string-ord.scala // Added to object Ord given stringOrd: Ord[String] with def compare(s: String, t: String) = s.compareTo(t)
// In file givens/isort2.scala isort(List("mango", "jackfruit", "durian")) // List(durian, jackfruit, mango)

21.3 Anonymous givens

val age = 42
// In file givens/rev-ord.scala given revIntOrd: Ord[Int] with def compare(x: Int, y: Int) = if x == y then 0 else if x > y then -1 else 1 given revStringOrd: Ord[String] with def compare(s: String, t: String) = -s.compareTo(t)
// In file givens/ord-int-string-compare.scala given Ord[Int] with def compare(x: Int, y: Int) = if x == y then 0 else if x > y then -1 else 1 given Ord[String] with def compare(s: String, t: String) = -s.compareTo(t)

21.4 Parameterized givens as typeclasses

// In file givens/rationalOrd.scala object Rational: given rationalOrd: Ord[Rational] with def compare(x: Rational, y: Rational) = if x.numer * y.denom < x.denom * y.numer then -1 else if x.numer * y.denom > x.denom * y.numer then 1 else 0
// In file givens/rationalOrd.scala isort(List(Rational(4, 5), Rational(1, 2), Rational(2, 3))) // List(1/2, 2/3, 4/5)
// In file givens/isort-param.scala def isort[T](xs: List[T])(using Ordering[T]): List[T] = if xs.isEmpty then Nil else insert(xs.head, isort(xs.tail)) def insert[T](x: T, xs: List[T]) (using ord: Ordering[T]): List[T] = if xs.isEmpty || ord.lteq(x, xs.head) then x :: xs else xs.head :: insert(x, xs.tail)
// In file givens/msort.scala def msort[T](xs: List[T])(using ord: Ordering[T]): List[T] = def merge(xs: List[T], ys: List[T]): List[T] = (xs, ys) match case (Nil, _) => ys case (_, Nil) => xs case (x :: xs1, y :: ys1) => if, y) then x :: merge(xs1, ys) else y :: merge(xs, ys1) val n = xs.length / 2 if n == 0 then xs else val (ys, zs) = xs.splitAt(n) merge(msort(ys), msort(zs))

21.5 Given imports

// In file givens/TomsPrefs.scala object TomsPrefs: val favoriteColor = "blue" def favoriteFood = "steak" given prompt: PreferredPrompt = PreferredPrompt("enjoy> ") given drink: PreferredDrink = PreferredDrink("red wine") given prefPromptOrd: Ordering[PreferredPrompt] with def compare(x: PreferredPrompt, y: PreferredPrompt) = x.preference.compareTo(y.preference) given prefDrinkOrd: Ordering[PreferredDrink] with def compare(x: PreferredDrink, y: PreferredDrink) = x.preference.compareTo(y.preference)
// In file givens/TomsPrefs-import.scala // imports only favoriteColor and favoriteFood import TomsPrefs.*
// In file givens/TomsPrefs-import.scala import TomsPrefs.prompt // imports prompt
// In file givens/TomsPrefs-import.scala // imports prompt, drink, prefPromptOrd, and prefDrinkOrd import TomsPrefs.given
// In file givens/TomsPrefs-import.scala // imports drink, because it is a given of // type PreferredDrink import TomsPrefs.{given PreferredDrink}
// In file givens/prefPromptOrd.scala // imports prefPromptOrd and prefDrinkOrd import TomsPrefs.{given Ordering[PreferredPrompt], given Ordering[PreferredDrink]}
// In file givens/TomsPrefs-import.scala // imports prefPromptOrd and prefDrinkOrd import TomsPrefs.{given Ordering[?]}

21.6 Rules for context parameters

given amysPrompt: PreferredPrompt = PreferredPrompt("hi> ")
// In file givens/rational-compare.scala object Rational: given rationalOrdering: Ordering[Rational] with def compare(x: Rational, y: Rational) = if x.numer * y.denom < x.denom * y.numer then -1 else if x.numer * y.denom > x.denom * y.numer then 1 else 0
// In file givens/TomsPrefs-import.scala import TomsPrefs.prefPromptOrd

21.7 When multiple givens apply

// In file givens/PreferredPrompt.scala class PreferredPrompt(val preference: String) object Greeter: def greet(name: String)(using prompt: PreferredPrompt) = println(s"Welcome, $name. The system is ready.") println(prompt.preference) object JillsPrefs: given jillsPrompt: PreferredPrompt = PreferredPrompt("Your wish> ") object JoesPrefs: given joesPrompt: PreferredPrompt = PreferredPrompt("relax> ")
scala> import JillsPrefs.jillsPrompt scala> import JoesPrefs.joesPrompt
scala> Greeter.greet("Who's there?") 1 |Greeter.greet("Who's there?") | ^ |ambiguous implicit arguments: both given instance |joesPrompt in object JoesPrefs and given instance |jillsPrompt in object JillsPrefs match type |PreferredPrompt of parameter prompt of method |greet in object Greeter

21.8 Debugging givens

// In file givens/ImplicitsExample.scala object Mocha: class PreferredDrink(val preference: String) given pref: PreferredDrink = new PreferredDrink("mocha") def enjoy(name: String)(using drink: PreferredDrink): Unit = print(s"Welcome, $name") print(". Enjoy a ") print(drink.preference) println("!") def callEnjoy: Unit = enjoy("reader")
$ scalac -Xprint:typer Mocha.scala package <empty> { final lazy module val Mocha: Mocha$ = new Mocha$() def callEnjoy: Unit = Mocha.enjoy("reader")(Mocha.pref) final module class Mocha$() extends Object() { this: Mocha.type => // ... final lazy given val pref: Mocha.PreferredDrink = new Mocha.PreferredDrink("mocha") def enjoy(name: String)(using drink: Mocha.PreferredDrink): Unit = { print( _root_.scala.StringContext.apply(["Welcome, ","" : String]:String*).s([name : Any]:Any*) ) print(". Enjoy a ") print(drink.preference) println("!") } def callEnjoy: Unit = Mocha.enjoy("reader")(Mocha.pref) } }

21.9 Conclusion

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