Andrew Phillips
Specializing in concurrency and high-performance applications,
Andrew developed large-scale systems while working for a
succession of multinationals. A long-standing open-source
developer and community member, he worked on Multiverse, the
STM implementation originally used in Akka; contributes to
Apache jclouds, the leading Java cloud library; and
co-maintains the Scala Puzzlers website, He regularly writes for developer
sites and speaks at conferences and meetups.
Andrew studied Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics at the
University of Edinburgh and maintains a keen interest in
machine learning, quantum computation, and computational
Nermin Šerifović
Nermin Šerifović has more than 10 years of experience building
enterprise software applications using Java technologies. For
most of his career, he has focused on architecting, designing,
and developing backend platforms. Nermin has been a Scala
enthusiast since 2009 and practicing it professionally since
2011. He has given talks at various conferences, including
JavaOne, Scala Days, and Northeast Scala Symposium, as well as
at local Scala and Java user groups.
Nermin is also an active Scala community member. He is an
organizer of the Boston Area Scala Enthusiasts user group and
was part of the Northeast Scala Symposium founding
team. Further, he is a co-creator of the Scala Puzzlers
Nermin holds an M.Eng in Computer Science from Cornell
University and his areas of interest include distributed
systems along with concurrent, reactive, and functional